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New Letter Pricing API (beta)

Our new letter pricing API enables you to use it as a RESTful or as a SOAP service. To use our Letter Pricing API you will need to make use of our country code list 

Our letter pricing API is based on our postage caluclator and will return the same results as our postage calculator (except a total for your letter). The output from the letter pricing API and the postage calculator can be used in our letter sending API's. 

The API enables you to look up postage and stationery options (paper type, envelopes etc) that are available for sending your letter. 

Note: Our new pricing API does not yet work out the total price of your letter based on pages. You can however still call our legacy API for this if this is needed. 

SOAP Service

To access our letter pricing service as a SOAP service you can visit the following url to get the WSDL https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc?wsdl. All results will be returned as SOAP XML

RESTful service

To access our letter pricing API as a RESTful service you can access it fromt he following url : https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/

So for example if you wanted to access the GetPostageZones function, you would call it like this https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetPostageZones?country=1

All results will be returned as JSON



This returns a list of postage zones a letter can be sent from when given the country code

Example: https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetPostageZones?country=1


country the id of the country


Description A description of the postage zone
MaxPages The max pages accepted by this zone (ignore)
MaxWeight The Max weight accepted by this zone (ignore)
ServiceCharge The service charge for using this zone (in pounds sterling)
ZoneName The name given to this zone
Zoneid A unique numeric code for the zone 


Gets the print types supported by the zone id provided

Example: https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetPrintTypesByZone?zoneId=3


zoneid the numeric id of the zone


Printer The type of printer supported 


This returns the enevelope types supported by a zone

Example: https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetENvelopesByZone?zoneId=3


zoneid the numeric id of the zone


The cost of the enevelope in pounds sterling 
EnvelopeId The Envelope ID
Name The name of the envelope
WeightOfEnvelope The weight of envelope in grams


Get paper types available based on Print Type (GetPrintTypesByZone) and Zone Id (GetPostageZones)

Example: https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetPaperBasedOnPrintTypeAndZoneId?zoneId=3&printType=Colour Laser


zoneid the numeric id of the zone
printType The print type (see GetPrintTypesByZone)


The cost per page in pounds sterling 
Description of the paper type
The name of the paper type
PrintType Code representing print type
PrintTypeId Numeric print type id
Printer The type type name
Weight The weight per page in grams


This is for optional extra's such as stapling.

Example: https://www.pc2paper.co.uk/PostageCalculator.svc/json/GetPostageZoneOffers?zoneId=3


zoneid the numeric id of the zone


The cost in pounds sterling 
Description of the offer
OfferId Numeric Id of  the offer
OfferName Name of the offer
ZoneId The zone the offer applies to